ozon ankara , ankara ozon , ozon nedir , ozon tedavisi , dmso , ankara ozon tedavi merkezleri , ankara ozon tedavisi merkezleri , DMSO , şeker hastalığı , alerji , kolestrol , anti-aging , anti-aging nedir , sağlıklı yaşam , sağlıklı beslenme , ozone treatment , ALS , kanser yaşam , c vitamini , ozon terapisi , dmso tedavisi , helixor , integratif tıp , PRP , prp tedavisi , prp ankara , ozonize PRP , akupunktur , proloterapi, şelasyon, şelasyon tedavisi, şelasyon tedavisi ankara, NAD, Longevity
İletişim Formu
8 Ağustos 2009 Cumartesi
Ozone Therapy on Cerebral Blood Flow: A Preliminary Report
Bernardino Clavo1,2,7, Luis Catalá3,7, Juan L. Pérez2,4,7, Victor Rodríguez5 and
Francisco Robaina2,6,7 Departments of 1Radiation Oncology and 2Research Unit, 3Radiology, 4Medical Physics and 6Chronic Pain Unit, Dr Negrín Hospital, 5La Paterna Medical Center and 7Canary Islands Institute for Cancer Research (ICIC), Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Spain
Cerebral low perfusion syndromes have significant clinical
and social repercussions. An important field in neurological
research includes the search for more effective drugs and other
methods in order to ameliorate this problem. Ozone therapy is
a non-conventional therapy that has been used for several years
in the treatment of ischemic disorders, particularly of the
lower limbs (1–3). However, to date, very few studies have
systematically evaluated blood flow changes resulting from
ozone therapy.
With regard to this, the effect of ozone therapy on the blood
flow in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) and the common
carotid artery (CCA) was investigated in the current study.
Subjects and Methods Patients In this study, the blood flow in 28 arteries (14 MCA and
14 CCA) was evaluated in 7 subjects—5 patients and 2 healthy
volunteers. The subjects were from our university hospital.
The patients who underwent elective ozone therapy, which was
unrelated to the treatment of their cerebral vascular diseases,
were from the Radiation Oncology department. Their scheduled
medication was not modified during the study period. The volunteers
were members of the clinical staff of the departments
Advance Access Publication 6 October 2004 eCAM 2004;1(3)315–319
© 2004, the authors
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Vol. 1, Issue 3 © Oxford University Press 2004; all rights reserved
Original Article
Ozone Therapy on Cerebral Blood Flow: A Preliminary Report
Bernardino Clavo1,2,7, Luis Catalá3,7, Juan L. Pérez2,4,7, Victor Rodríguez5 and
Francisco Robaina2,6,7
Departments of 1Radiation Oncology and 2Research Unit, 3Radiology, 4Medical Physics and 6Chronic Pain Unit,
Dr Negrín Hospital, 5La Paterna Medical Center and 7Canary Islands Institute for Cancer Research (ICIC),
Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Spain
Ozone therapy is currently being used in the treatment of ischemic disorders, but the underlying mechanisms
that result in successful treatment are not well known. This study assesses the effect of ozone
therapy on the blood flow in the middle cerebral and common carotid arteries. Seven subjects were
recruited for the therapy that was performed by transfusing ozone-enriched autologous blood on 3 alternate
days over 1 week. Blood flow quantification in the common carotid artery (n 14) was performed
using color Doppler. Systolic and diastolic velocities in the middle cerebral artery (n 14) were estimated
using transcranial Doppler. Ultrasound assessments were conducted at the following three time
points: 1) basal (before ozone therapy), 2) after session #3 and 3) 1 week after session #3. The common
carotid blood flow had increased by 75% in relation to the baseline after session #3 (P 0.001) and by
29% 1 week later (P 0.039). In the middle cerebral artery, the systolic velocity had increased by 22%
after session #3 (P 0.001) and by 15% 1 week later (P 0.035), whereas the diastolic velocity had
increased by 33% after session #3 (P 0.001) and by 18% 1 week later (P 0.023). This preliminary
Doppler study supports the clinical experience of achieving improvement by using ozone therapy in
peripheral ischemic syndromes. Its potential use as a complementary treatment in cerebral low perfusion
syndromes merits further clinical evaluation.
Keywords: color Doppler – ischemia – low perfusion – transcranial Doppler
The online version of this article has been published under an open access model. Users are entitled to use, reproduce, disseminate, or display the open access
version of this article provided that: the original authorship is properly and fully attributed; the Journal and Oxford University Press are attributed as the original
place of publication with the correct citation details given; if an article is subsequently reproduced or disseminated not in its entirety but only in part or as a
derivative work this must be clearly indicated.
For reprints and all correspondence: Bernardino Clavo, MD, Department of
Radiation Oncology and Research Unit, Dr Negrín Hospital, C/ Barranco la
Ballena s/n, 35020 Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Spain. Fax: 34 928
449127; Tel: 34 928 450284. E-mail: bernardinoclavo@terra.es
involved in the investigation. The study included 5 males and
2 females with a mean age of 58 years (range, 34–78).
Informed consent was obtained from all the participants prior
to inclusion in the study. The study was approved by the
Institutional Ethical Committee. Table 1 summarizes the
details of the subjects that participated in this study.
Ozone Therapy
Ozone therapy was administered by autologous blood transfusion
on 3 alternate days over 1 week. The procedure involved
the collection of 200 ml venous blood into a blood bag containing
heparin (25 IU/ml) and CaCl2 (5 mM). The O3/O2 gas
mixture was prepared from clinical-grade O2 using the OZON
2000 medical device (Zotzmann Stahl GmbH, Plüderhausen,
Germany). The blood was mixed with 200 ml of O3/O2 gas
mixture at a concentration of 60 g/ml in a sterile single-use
300 ml container. Subsequently, the blood was slowly
re-introduced into the patient via the antecubital vein, after
being passed through a sterile 0.20 m filter. The blood
remained outside the body for approximately 15–30 min, and
no adverse reactions were observed.
Doppler studies were conducted on the following three
occasions: 1) before session #1; 2) after session #3; and 3)
1 week after session #3.
Transcranial Doppler Velocimetry
Systolic and diastolic velocities (in cm/s) were measured in the
MCA by the transtemporal approach using a transcranial
Doppler (TCD) with a 2 MHz probe from an Angiodine-2
Fluo-Link 300® device. The patient was alert, relaxed and
seated when the absence of stenoses was confirmed. The
Doppler insonation angle was 60.
Common Carotid Blood Flow Quantification
Blood flow quantification of CCA was performed using
a color Doppler, Philips Ultrasound P-800 unit®, with timedomain
processing. This technique simultaneously evaluates
the velocity and the vessel diameter, and the data is presented
in terms of ml/min. The usefulness and validity of this technique
has been previously described (4,5). The patient was
alert, relaxed and in the supine position when the absence of
significant stenoses in the extracranial carotid arteries was
confirmed. A 7.5 MHz linear high-definition probe with a
Doppler insonation angle of 60 was used. We obtained
information regarding the volume of blood flow (in ml/min) in
both CCAs at 2 cm prior to the carotid bifurcation.
All ultrasound studies were performed bilaterally by the
same radiologist in order to minimize interobserver variability
(6). When an optimal image of stable blood flow was obtained,
recordings over at least three cardiac cycles were made. This
was repeated at least three times in order to preclude operatorinduced
or technical inaccuracies. The median values that
were obtained were used in the statistical analyses.
Neither blood pressure nor hemoglobin levels were measured.
Statistical Analysis
The SPSS 7.0 for Windows software package (SPSS-Ibérica,
Madrid, Spain) was used throughout the study. The normality
of distribution of data was assessed by the Kolmogorov–
Smirnov test. Two-sided tests were applied. The data are
expressed as mean SD. The paired t-test was used to compare
differences between the baseline and the two time-point
measurements following the ozone therapy. Linear correlation
was assessed by the Pearson’s r test. The differences were
considered to be significant when P 0.05.
316 Ozone therapy on cerebral blood flow
Table 1. Patients and control subjects included in the study
Patient Age (years) Characteristics
#1 67 aComplementary treatment during radiochemotherapy for advanced carcinoma of hypopharynx.
bArterial hypertension under drug treatment and hyperglycemia under dietary treatment.
#2 74 aComplementary treatment during radiochemotherapy for advanced carcinoma of base of tongue.
bChronic obstructive bronchitis (COB) under treatment with bronchodilator inhalers.
#3 63 aComplementary treatment during radiochemotherapy for advanced carcinoma of supraglottis.
bHyperuricemia treated with allopurinol. Multiple sclerosis treated with baclofen.
#4 51 aRadiation-induced necrosis of thyroid cartilage (radiotherapy was administered for carcinoma of glottis several years ago).
bTreatment with corticosteroids.
#5 78 aChronic ulceration with calcaneous exposure and transplant failure.
bInsulin-dependent diabetes, arterial hypertension under drug treatment. Stroke 1 year ago. Duodenal ulcers.
#6 43 Healthy subject.
#7 34 Healthy subject.
aReason for ozone therapy. bConcomitant diseases or treatments (no changes were made in the medications during the period of Doppler evaluation). The study
was planned with three ozone therapy sessions to evaluate the initial effects under the same conditions. Patient #1, #2 and #3 (cancer patients) were required to
commence their scheduled radiochemotherapy after session #3; therefore, ethical considerations precluded delay in the cancer treatment. Ozone therapy was
continued during the radiochemotherapy; however, radiotherapy of the cervical and carotid areas altered the subsequent Doppler evaluations. Patient #4 suffered
from hemorrhage of the larynx. Ozone therapy was stopped after session #3 to enable the patient to undergo surgery. The usual complications associated with the
surgical treatment of this radiation-induced necrosis were absent. Patient #5 who suffered from several vascular diseases was treated with systemic and local
ozone therapy for a chronic wound. Patient #6 and #7 (healthy subjects recruited from among the hospital staff) also received 3 sessions of ozone therapy to
evaluate the Doppler Effect. Further sessions were neither scheduled nor administered.
eCAM 2004;1(3) 317
Transcranial Doppler Velocimetry
The baseline systolic velocity in MCA was 90.9 6.1 cm/s.
After session #3, it increased to 111 7.3 cm/s (increase 22%,
P 0.001), and 1 week later, it was 104.3 8 cm/s (increase
15%, P 0.035). The baseline diastolic velocity in MCA was
41.1 4.4 cm/s. After session #3, it increased to 54.6 4.6 cm/s
(increase 33%, P 0.001), and 1 week later, it was 48.6
5 cm/s (increase 18%, P 0.023) (Fig. 1).
Common Carotid Blood Flow Quantification
The baseline CCA blood flow was 233 19 ml/min. After
session #3, it increased to 407 38 ml/min (increase 75%,
P 0.001), and 1 week later, it was 301 22 ml/min
(increase 29%, P 0.039) (Fig. 2).
The baseline CCA blood flow directly correlated with the
MCA diastolic velocity (r 0.557; P 0.039) and inversely
correlated with age (r 0.825; P 0.001) (Fig. 3). The percentage
increase in CCA blood flow 1 week after session #3
was directly correlated with age (r 0.735; P 0.004)
(Fig. 4) and inversely correlated with the initial values of the
CCA blood flow (r 0.691; P 0.009). In older patients, the
increase in CCA blood flow was higher and that in basal perfusion
was lower (Fig. 5) (Note: in Figs 4 and 5, the Doppler
data for the left arteries of one patient 1 week after session #3
were not available due to technical reasons).
Although biomedical applications of ozone therapy can be
traced back to the end of the 19th century, numerous aspects of
the effects of the therapy remain unexplored.
The airways are precluded in this therapy, which uses ozoneenriched
autologous blood transfusion; therefore, lung toxicity
resulting from oxidative stress is avoided. Ozone, per se, does
not enter the organism; the effects that are observed are mediated
pre-1 post-3 1 week
* *
pre-1 post-3 1 week
MCA diastolic velocity - cm/s
MCA systolic velocity - cm/s
Figure 1. Transcranial Doppler during ozone therapy. Left. Diastolic velocity (in cm/s) in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) increased by 33% at the end of session
#3 (P 0.001), and an 18% increase persisted for 1 week after session #3 (P 0.023). Right. Systolic velocity in MCA increased by 22% at the end of session #3
(P 0.001), and a 15% increase persisted for 1 week after session #3 (P 0.035). The error bars are the 95% confidence intervals. Significant differences
(P 0.05) are indicated with an asterisk (*).
pre-1 post-3 1 week
CCA blood flow - ml / min
Figure 2. Carotid blood flow during ozone therapy. Blood flow quantification
(in ml/min) in the common carotid artery (CCA) increased by 75% at the end
of session #3 (P 0.001), and a 29% increase persisted for 1 week after
session #3 (P 0.039). The error bars are the 95% confidence intervals.
Significant differences (P 0.05) are indicated with an asterisk (*).
100 150 200 250 300 350
Basal CCA blood flow - ml/min
Figure 3. Relationship between baseline blood flow and age. Baseline values
of the common carotid artery (CCA) blood flow were inversely correlated with
the age of the patients (r 0.825; P 0.001). A lower blood flow was
observed in older patients.
by the rapid oxidation of certain substances in the blood in the
transfusion recipient. In appropriate concentrations, this can
up-regulate the synthesis of antioxidants in blood (7). This
property has been very actively investigated with respect to the
protection against free radical damage associated with heart
(8), kidney (9) and liver (10) disorders. The mechanisms
proposed to explain the vascular effects include the liberation
of vasoactive substance as well as the improvement in erythrocyte
flexibility and blood rheology (1,11,12).
Several studies that included control subjects have indicated
that when ozone-free oxygen is used, the beneficial biochemical
(7,10) and rheological (1) responses are not observed. The
changes in the MCA and/or CCA blood flow occurring during
ozone therapy were assessed in the present study that did not
include non-ozonized blood transfusion and each patient was
his/her own control.
As indicated by the CCA measurements, the increase in
diastolic velocity in the MCA is compatible with a decrease
in vascular resistance, a rheological improvement (1,12) and
an overall increase in blood flow. The inverse correlation
between the percentage increase in CCA blood flow and the
initial values is compatible with a microvascular redistribution
resulting in better oxygenation in tissues with poor blood supply.
This was tentatively demonstrated in our previous studies
by the direct measurement of muscle and tumor oxygenation
using polarographic electrodes (13,14).
These rheological and vascular effects suggest that coadjuvant
ozone therapy could decrease the vasoconstriction that is secondary
to hyperoxia. Techniques such as carbogen breathing or
hyperbaric chambers are used to increase the amount of O2 dissolved
in arterial blood. However, when prolonged for 15–30
min, these therapies can lead to an increase in peripheral vascular
resistance along with a generalized vasoconstriction in most
organs (15). Decreased cerebral blood flow secondary to hyperoxia
has indeed been documented in humans by transcranial
Doppler (16) and magnetic resonance (17) studies.
The above-mentioned effects of ozone therapy and data from
the present study, especially the potentially greater effect in
older patients or in those with lower initial blood flow, augur
well for its use in cerebral low perfusion syndromes and stroke.
This is further supported by the clinical experience gained in a
study that assessed 150 patients with ischemic cerebrovascular
disease treated with prolonged ozone therapy (18).
The present Doppler study was planned with only three
ozone therapy sessions for several reasons. Firstly, we wanted
to evaluate the effect of ozone therapy and to observe whether
the effect could be maintained for a prolonged period, which
has been suggested by the clinical experience gained from its
use in sessions widely separated over several days. Hence, we
decided to perform the third session approximately 1 week
later without any intervening sessions. Secondly, we wanted to
administer the same number of sessions to all the patients in
the study. However, some of them were cancer patients who
needed to commence their scheduled radiochemotherapy.
Therefore, in order to avoid interference with the scheduled
radiochemotherapy, the present ozone study was performed
during the period when oncologic staging and planning of the
radiotherapy were carried out. Hence, the number of ozone
therapy sessions for Doppler evaluation was less than that
considered necessary for a full-fledged ozone therapy, which
usually lasts for several weeks or even months. The Doppler
Effect after several additional sessions could indeed be higher
than that currently observed. Data on the optimal separation
between the ozone therapy sessions are not currently available.
Further, the schedule could vary depending on the desired
clinical effect (antioxidant, enhancing the immune or vascular
system, etc.). Nevertheless, the current study supports the
clinical experience gained in the treatment of vascular disorders,
318 Ozone therapy on cerebral blood flow
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
% increase in CCA blood flow
1 week after ozone therapy
Figure 4. Relationship between age and blood flow increase post-ozone
therapy. The percentage increase in CCA blood flow 1 week after session #3
was directly correlated with age (r 0.735; P 0.004). A higher increase
was observed after ozone therapy in older patients.
100 150 200 250 300 350
Basal CCA blood flow - ml/min
% increase in CCA blood flow
1 week after ozone therapy
Figure 5. Relationship between the baseline blood flow and its increase post
ozone therapy. The correlation in CCA blood flow between baseline values
and the percentage increase 1 week after session #3 was highly significant
(r 0.691; P 0.009), i.e., there is a higher percentage increase in CCA
corresponding to a lower initial blood flow. Note: the percentages under 100%
indicate a decrease in blood flow at this time point.
eCAM 2004;1(3) 319
employing widely separated sessions over extended periods
(2,3). Two or three applications per week appear to be sufficient
in providing significant vascular improvement. However,
changes observed over a mere 1 or 2 weeks are usually not
sufficient to improve chronic clinical conditions. The current
findings regarding a residual effect, which is still significantly
elevated over baseline 1 week after the last session, support
our postulation that one or two additional sessions per week
can be effective during the initial maintenance period. The
mode and timing of administration of additional sessions over
a period of months need to be explored for the optimization of
the sessions.
In the course of this study, our hospital facilities were transferred
to a different location in our city, and we were unable to
conduct further Doppler studies using the same equipment.
Therefore, we decided to increase the study sample by including
two healthy subjects from our hospital. We could not evaluate
the differences between patients and healthy subjects due to
the scarcity of patients. Only patient #5 had suffered a
CVA/stroke that may modify the Doppler evaluation in the
carotid and middle cerebral arteries. However, patients with
localized tumors do not appear to have a systemic vascular
alteration or an altered vascular response. Therefore, we
assumed that the effect observed in these arteries is a general
effect, which does not differ from that observed in the healthy
subjects or the patients that were studied.
Further studies, which include new technologies such as
interstitial multichannel laser Doppler used to quantify fluctuations
in microvascular perfusion during ozone therapy, are in
progress in order to ascertain some of the remaining doubts
regarding the efficacy of ozone therapy.
In conclusion, this preliminary Doppler study demonstrates,
albeit in a small number of subjects, that ozone therapy
increases blood flow in CCA and MCA with a prolonged
effect such that it can be very easily assessed by TCD and
carotid ultrasound. These data support the clinical experience
of achieving improvement using ozone therapy in peripheral
ischemic syndromes. Its potential use as a complementary
treatment in cerebral low perfusion syndromes warrants
further clinical investigation.
The study was supported in part by a grant (FUNCIS 98–31)
from the Health and Research Foundation of the Autonomous
Government of the Canary Islands, Spain.
We wish to thank Dr R. Reyes (Department of Interventional
and Vascular Radiology) and Dr G. Rovira-Dupláa (Ozone
therapy Unit of the Quirón Clinic, Barcelona, Spain) for their
valuable advice in conducting this study. We also thank
R. Martin-Oliva (Head of Department of Medical Physics) and
Dr M. A. Hernández (Head of Department of Radiation
Oncology) for their administrative and clinical support with
the equipment. Editorial assistance was provided by
Dr Peter R. Turner, t-SciMed, Reus, Spain.
Conflict of Interest
The study was supported in part by a grant (FUNCIS 98–31)
from the Health and Research Foundation of the Autonomous
Government of the Canary Islands, Spain.
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27 Temmuz 2009 Pazartesi
XP Tonics
Xp Tonik Sls
Bilindiği üzere kanser yaş, cinsiyet, ekonomik sınıf tanımayan ve hayatın hangi döneminde karşı karşıya kalınabileceğinin bilinmediği bir hastalıktır. Özellikle son yıllarda erken tanı yöntemlerinin bu kadar gelişmiş olmasına rağmen önlenemez bir artış gösteren kanser, ölümle sonuçlanan bir hastalık olması nedeniyle sadece hastalar değil hasta yakınlarının da oluşturduğu geniş bir populasyonu etkileyen, toplum üzerine sosyolojik ve psikolojik travmalar oluşturan son derece önemli bir hastalıktır.
Özellikle gelişmiş ülkelerde kanser üzerine yapılan çalışmalar hız kazanmış ikinci dünya savaşı ile birlikte kullanılmaya başlanan kemoterapi ve radyoterapi yöntemlerinin sınırlı sonuçları sebebi ile tıbbın temelini oluşturan ve alternatif tedavi yöntemleri içerisinde sayılan bitkisel druglar üzerine eğilmeye başlanmıştır. Yapılan binlerce çalışma geleceğe umutla bakmamızı sağlarken bu konuda bu eşsiz coğrafyada yaptığımız ve yapacağımız çalışmaların sonucunda elde ettiğimiz ve edeceğimiz sonuçlar ülkemizin dünya literatüründeki yerini daha yükseklere taşıyacak ve atalarımızdan bize miras kalan tıbbın öncüleri olma vasfını devam ettirmemizi sağlayacaktır.
Bilinen tedavi yöntemleri ile mümkün olması oldukça zor bir olasılık olsa da, bazı kanser türlerinin tedavisinde, erken teşhise bağlı kemoterapi, radyoterapi bazen da cerrahi tedaviler ile olumlu sonuçlar elde edildiği bilinmektedir. Viral sebeplerin (HPV) çok önemli bir rol oynadığı Rahim ağzı kanseri için geliştirilen aşı gibi diğer kanser türleri içinde çeşitli koruyucu yöntemleri ortaya koymaya çalışmak, akademisyenler ve bilim adamlarını son derece meşgul eden ve ne yazık ki çok fazla ilerleme kaydedilemeyen bir konudur.
Klinik ve laboratuar çalışmalarında kanser tedavisinde hatırı sayılır sağlık örgütleri ve bilim adamlarının ne kadar özveri ve gayretle çalıştıklarını unutmamak gerekir. Klasik tedavi yöntemleri dışında kalan alternatif tedavi yöntemleri ile kanserden kurtulmaya çalışan pek çok hastanın olduğu bilinmektedir. Modern tıp uygulamaları içerisinde yer almadığından profesyonel yardım almadan yapılan bu tedavilerle çok sınırlı sonuçlar alınabilmektedir.
Mevcut durumda modern tıpta uygulanabilecek her türlü tedavi yöntemi uygulandıktan sonra, artık başka şans kalmayıp hastalar kendi başlarına kaldıkları zaman alternatif tedavi yöntemlerine yönelmekte ancak çoğu kez geç kalınmaktadır. Özellikle bitkilerle tedavi iletişim olnaklarının en üst düzeyde olduğu içerisinde olduğumuz bilişim çağında tecrübelerin daha çok ve sıklıkla paylaşılmasına olanak sağlaması nedeniyle yaygınlaşmaya ve popülaritesini kazanmaya başlamıştır. Son çare olarak başvurulan bitkisel tedaviler aslında modern tedavil protokolleri içerisinde yer alması gereken tedaviler oldukları düşünülmektedir. Kanser erken teşhis, uygun tedavi ve hastanın tedavi aşamasında yapılan değerlendirilmesi ile yeni tedavi stratejilerinin de geliştirilmesi gereken bir hastalıktır. Herbalist Adnan Akar tarafından geliştirilen çeşitli bitkisel kombinasyonları içeren tedavi yöntemleri ile özellikle beyin tümörlerinde elde ettiği başarılar internet ortamında kolaylıkla takip edilmektedir. Xp Tonik Sls adı verilen özel kombinasyon tedavi ile elde edilen başarı, düzenli yapılan tetkikler ile ortaya konulmaktadır. Bu sonuçlar siz veya uzmanlarınız tarafından değerlendirilerek söz konusu dinamik, kombine tedavinin geliştirilmesine katkılarınız ümit edilmektedir.
Dr.Levent KARAFAKI 27/07/2009
Mevcut yazılı metin bilgilendirme amaçlıdır. Bilimsel verilerden elde edilmiş bilgilerdir. Konu hakkında uzman kişiler tarafından yönlendirilmeniz ve tedaviye yönelik işlemleri bir hekim kontrolünde uygulamanız veya uygulatmanız önerilir.
4 Temmuz 2009 Cumartesi
Kanserde Ozon Tedavisinin Yeri

Kanser toplumların korkulu rüyası olmaya devam eden, tedavisi oldukça zahmetli ve uzun süreli bir hastalıktır. Günümüzde belirli türlerine karşı önemli başarılar elde edilse de halen kanserin tedavisinde alınması gereken büyük mesafe olduğu açıktır. Ülkemizde her yıl 100.000’in üzerinde ölümden sorumlu olan kanserin tedavisinde en yaygın kullanılan iki yöntem ilaç (kemoterapi) ve ışın (radyoterapi) tedavileridir. Hastalığın ve hastanın durumuna göre her iki tedavi yöntemi ayrı ayrı veya birlikte kullanılabilir.
Kanser ile ilgili önemli sorunlardan bir tanesi nüks ve metastazların görülmesi bir diğeri de uygulanan tedavilerden kaynaklanan yan etkilerdir. Nüks bazı tür kanserlerde daha yaygın görülür ve hastanın tedavisi bittikten sonra uzun süre takibini gerektirir. Hastalığın tedavisi boyunca ve tedavi bittikten sonra ortaya çıkan yan etkiler ise bazen öyle şiddetli olur ki, hastanın yaşam konforunda büyük bozulmaya ve hatta hastalığın kendisinden daha büyük sorunlara kaynak teşkil eder. Günümüzde kanser tedavisinde kullanılan ilaçların insan vücudundaki normal hücreleri de etkilemesi, karaciğer ve böbrek gibi yaşamsal organlar üzerinde uzun süreli hasara neden olmaktadır.
Kanser korkutucu bir hastalık olduğu için, pek çok hasta ve hasta yakını mevcut tedavilere ek veya yardımcı yollar araştırmaktadırlar. Günümüzde bitkisel ilaçlar başta olmak üzere kanseri tedavi ettiği iddia edilen onlarca ürün hastalar tarafından yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Hekimlerin önemli bir kısmı bu ürünlerin kullanılmasına karşıdır ancak çoğu vakada bu tür ilaçlar hekimin bilgisine başvurulmadan tedaviye dâhil edilmektedir. Fayda gördüğünü söyleyen onlarca hasta olmakla birlikte genel olarak kemoterapi ve radyoterapi ile birlikte kullanıldığı için, yararlı etkilerin hangi tedavi yönteminden kaynaklandığı çoğu zaman tespit edilemez. Her ne olursa olsun, hastalara mutlaka tedaviyi takip eden hekime danışmaları ve ilgili hekimin onayı ile bu tür ilaçları kullanmaları önerilir.
Hastalar ve hasta yakınları tarafından sıkça başvurulan yardımcı tedavi yöntemlerinden bir tanesi de ozon tedavisidir. Ozon tedavisinin kanser tedavisinde etkinliğinin olup olmadığı gün geçtikçe daha çok sorgulanmaktadır. Ozon tedavisinin etki mekanizması göz önüne alındığında, özellikle kemoterapi ve radyoterapi gören hastalara ozon uygulamasının birkaç yönden hasta yararına sonuçlar doğuracağı açıktır. Birincisi ozon tedavisi immun sistemi destekleyerek insan vücudunun kanser hücreleri ile savaşma kapasitesini ciddi düzeyde artırır. İkincisi, dokuların kanlanmasını ve dolaşımını düzenleyerek kemoterapi ve radyoterapinin etkinliğini artırır. Bilindiği gibi her iki tedavi yönteminin etkili olabilmesi için kanser dokusunun iyi düzeyde kanlanması gerekmektedir. Üçüncüsü, kanser dokusunda ortaya çıkan (hipoksi-oksijen yetersizliği) sorununun çözümüne yardımcı olarak kanser hücrelerinin metastaz (başka bölgelere göç etme) kapasitelerini düşürür. Dördüncüsü kemoterapi ve radyoterapiden kaynaklanan yan etkilerin (yorgunluk, bitkinlik, saç dökülmesi, karaciğer hasarı, radyoterapiden kaynaklanan yara ve cilt yanıkları vb.) azalmasına destek olur.
İtalya ve Almanya’da tek başına ozon ile kanser hastalarını tedavi eden pek çok merkez bulunmaktadır. Ülkemizde hekimler tarafından yeni tanınmaya başlayan bu destekleyici tedavinin bilinen yan etkisinin olmaması, kanser tedavisine yüksek miktarda ek yük getirmemesi ve pek çok hastanın yaşam konforunu ve tedavi etkinliğini artırması ümit vericidir. Yine de hastalarımızın tek başına ozon tedavisini değil, uygulanan kemoterapi ve radyoterapi kürleri ile bu tedaviyi almaları hem hastalar hem de hasta yakınları için yüz güldürücü sonuçlar doğuracaktır.
Doç.Dr.Ahmet KORKMAZ
Mevcut yazılı metin bilgilendirme amaçlıdır. Bilimsel verilerden elde edilmiş bilgilerdir. Konu hakkında uzman kişiler tarafından yönlendirilmeniz ve tedaviye yönelik işlemleri bir hekim kontrolünde uygulamanız veya uygulatmanız önerilir. , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara ,
1 Temmuz 2009 Çarşamba
Ozon Terapisinin Ülseratif Kolit Üzerine Etkileri
Chronic Ulcerative Rectocolitis
A Case Report
SUMMARY. This case report deals with a 45-year woman who suffered from chronic ulcerative rectocolitis, initially treated by allopathic drugs and subsequently only by holistic natural therapy. Whereas no satisfactory results were obtained with the first treatment, the second therapeutic approach was entirely successful. As is known, rectocolitis is a chronic pathology characterized by inflammatory and degenerative lesions of the bowel mucosa. Although its aetiology is still unknown, genetic, immunologic and environmental factors have been implicated. From September 1997 to February 2000 the patient was treated in different hospitals and at home with numerous drugs including anti-inflammatory medication, antibiotics, immunosuppressive, cortisone-like and anti-depressive substances. Since no acceptable positive effects were obtained, she opted for natural holistic therapy. The following clinical picture was recorded by us: 1) rectocolitis with ulcers, characterized by 20-30 bloody diarrhoeal bowel discharges per day; 2) severe anemia, hemoglobin being 5.2 g%; 3) severely imbalanced water status; 4) joint pain in numerous regions; 5) cough with abundant transparent catarrh, particularly the during night; 6) sleep loss due to cough and bowel discharges; 7) variable intensity fever; 8) depression due to home confinement; 9) no possibility of work; 10)total discouragement with physicians and official therapy. The holistic natural therapy consisted in two different modalities of oxygen-ozone therapy: a) rectal insufflation of a mixture of oxygen-ozone with a low concentration of ozone (10-12 mg of ozone in 1 mL of oxygen) 2-3 times a week for a long period; b) major ozonated autohemotransfusion with the addition of homotoxicological drugs once a week for a long period. At the end of July 2000, patient decided to stop treatments because she was healthy. She then continued with treatments every month up to the month of July 2001. After that no further therapy was given up to the last check-up in October, 2003, the patient being in good health.
10 Haziran 2009 Çarşamba
TSK Koruyucu Hekimlik Bülteninde Ozon Tedavisi
TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2009: 8(1)
Derleme/Review Article TAF Prev Med Bull 2009; 8(1):59-64
Ozon Gazının Tıbbi Amaçlı Kullanılması
[The Use of Ozone Gas for Medical Purposes]
GATA Fizyoloji AD
Anahtar Kelimeler: Ozon, ozon tedavisi, lipid peroksidasyonu.
Key words: Ozone, ozone therapy, lipid peroxidation.
Sorumlu yazar/ Corresponding author: Mehmet Özler.
GATA Fizyoloji AD Etlik, Ankara, Türkiye.
Ozon üç oksijen atomundan oluşan gaz halinde bir moleküldür. Oksijen molekülünün (O2) kararlı haline karşın, ozon (O3), kararsız bir moleküldür. Ozon gazını alman kimyacı Christian Friedrich Schönbein 1839 yılında keşfetmiştir. Ozon renksiz ve keskin kokulu bir gazdır. Keşfinden sonraki ilk yıllarda dezenfeksiyon amacıyla kullanılmıştır. 1860 yılında Monaco şehrinin su arıtma tesisinde dezenfeksiyon amacıyla ozon kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Ozonun bu dezenfekte edici etkisi güçlü okside edici özelliğinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Sadece virüs ve bakterileri öldürmekle kalmaz tüm mikroorganizmalar ve toksinlerini de okside edebilir. Ozon ayrıca fenolleri, pestisitleri, deterjanları, kimyasal atıkları ve aromatik bileşikleri de etkili şekilde nötralize edebilir (1,2). Ozon kimyasal yapısı itibariyle radikal özelliği taşımamakla birlikte, florin ve persülfattan sonra, bilinen üçüncü en güçlü oksidan maddedir (3).
3O2+68,4 Kcal→2O3 www.korhek.org 59
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48. Özler M, Ersöz N, Özerhan İH, Harlak A, Sadır S, Topal T, Öter Ş, Korkmaz A. Sıçanlarda oluşturulmuş peritoneal adezyon üzerine ozon tedavisinin etkisi. 2009; in press.
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Mevcut yazılı metin bilgilendirme amaçlıdır. Bilimsel verilerden elde edilmiş bilgilerdir. Konu hakkında uzman kişiler tarafından yönlendirilmeniz ve tedaviye yönelik işlemleri bir hekim kontrolünde uygulamanız veya uygulatmanız önerilir.
28 Mayıs 2009 Perşembe
Kanserin Metabolik süreci
Boston'daki Beth Israel Hastanesi şef patoloğu Dr. Harold Dvorak, 'Gerçekte hiç kimse kanserden ölmez' diyor. Çoğunlukla organ iflası sonucunda hastalar kaybedilmektedir. Kanser hücresi normal hücrelerden 10 ila 15 kat daha hızlı çoğalır. Bunun sonucunda da fazla miktarda glukoza ihtiyaç duyar. Normal hücreler gibi glukozu yakmayan kanser hücresi glukozu fermente (oksijen kullanmadan yıkım) eder ve sonuç olarak ortama laktik asit salınımına ve aşırı metabolik yüke sebep olur. Laktik asit karaciğere giderek sitrik asit siklusu ile glukoza dönüşür ve karaciğerde glikojen olarak depo edilir.
Karaciğer ve tümör arasındaki bu kısır döngü sonucu oluşan metabolik yük ve enerji kaybı, karaciğerin aşırı çalışarak belirli bir zaman sonra kendisini tüketmeye başlaması ve bu durumun devam etmesi sonucu tükenmesi ile sonuçlanır.
Karaciğerin kanserde üstlendiği görev yukarıda da anlattığımız şekliyle hayati öneme haizdir ve önemi kesinlikle göz ardı edilmemelidir. Başarılı bir kanser tedavisi ancak sağlıklı ve fonksiyonlarını eksiksiz yerine getirebilen bir karaciğerle yapılabilir. Bu nedenledir ki karaciğerin üzerindeki yükü almamızı sağlayan, onun iş yükünü hafifleten ve bunun yanı sıra kanserde yine önemi kaçınılmaz olan amino asit içeriği ile genlerin tamirinde görev alan XP Tonics SLS’nin neden kullanılması gerektiğini açıkça, tartışmasız gözler
Mevcut yazılı metin bilgilendirme amaçlıdır. Bilimsel verilerden elde edilmiş bilgilerdir. Konu hakkında uzman kişiler tarafından yönlendirilmeniz ve tedaviye yönelik işlemleri bir hekim kontrolünde uygulamanız veya uygulatmanız önerilir.
17 Mayıs 2009 Pazar
Kanserden kimse ölmez, kanserin oluşturduğu ve çoğunlukla organ iflası sonucunda hastalar kaybedilmektedir. Kanser hücresi normal hücrelerden 10 ila 15 kat daha hızlı çoğalır. Bunun sonucunda da fazla miktarda glukoza ihtiyaç duyar. Normal hücreler gibi glukozu yakmayan kanser hücresi glukozu fermente (oksijen kullanmadan yıkım) eder ve sonuç olarak ortama laktik asit salınımına ve aşırı metabolik yüke sebep olur. Laktik asit karaciğere giderek CORI döngüsü ile glukoza dönüşür ve karaciğerde glikojen olarak depo edilir.
Karaciğer ve tümör arasındaki bu kısır döngü sonucu oluşan metabolik yük ve enerji kaybı, karaciğerin aşırı çalışarak belirli bir zaman sonra kendisini tüketmeye başlaması ve bu durumun devam etmesi sonucu tükenmesi ile sonuçlanır.
Karaciğerin kanserde üstlendiği görev yukarıda da anlattığımız şekliyle hayati öneme haizdir ve önemi kesinlikle göz ardı edilmemelidir. Başarılı bir kanser tedavisi ancak sağlıklı ve fonksiyonlarını eksiksiz yerine getirebilen bir karaciğerle yapılabilir. Bu nedenledir ki karaciğerin üzerindeki yükü almamızı sağlayan, onun iş yükünü hafifleten ve bunun yanı sıra kanserde yine önemi kaçınılmaz olan amino asit içeriği ile genlerin tamirinde görev alan XP Tonics SLS’nin neden kullanılması gerektiğini açıkça, tartışmasız gözler önüne sermektedir.
7 Mayıs 2009 Perşembe
Hepatit C ve Ozone Therapy
by Gérard V. Sunnen, M.D.
Hepatitis C (HCV) is a global disease with an expanding incidence and prevalence base. Of massive public health importance, hepatitis C presents supremely challenging problems in view of its adaptability and its pathogenic capacity. The unique strategies that HCV utilizes to parasitize its host make it a formidable enemy and therapeutic interventions need considerable honing to counter its progress. Ozone, because of its special biological properties, has theoretical and practical attributes to make it a potent HCV inactivator.
History of the virus A form of hepatitis became recognized in the 1970's that resembled hepatitis B, serum hepatitis, and to a lesser extent hepatitis A, infectious hepatitis. It had, however, novel features, amongst them, a distinctive serological profile. In 1989, the genome of hepatitis C (HCV) was deciphered.
It is possible, by means of extrapolation from the genetic evolution of a virus, to approximate its age. Sequence genetic analysis points to the diversification of different HCV genotypes 200 to 400 years ago. Ancestors to these genotypes probably date back 100,000 or so years when viruses co-evolved with modern humans. Further analysis of genetic viral trees and Old and New World primates take the primordial forms of these viruses to primate speciation periods some 35 million years ago.
Today, in the context of human population growth, migration, and global travel, the hepatitis C virus has expanded its territories, geographically, and demographically. There is every indication that the evolution of this virus, in all its forms, is currently manifesting an accelerated phase.
Virion architecture and molecular biology The HCV particle is composed of a nucleocapsid containing its genome, an RNA single strand composed of approximately 9600 nucleotides, and its protein coating. The nucleocapsid is surrounded by an envelope which allows attachment and penetration into host cells. The genome encodes structural proteins designated as core (C), envelope 1 (E1), envelope 2 (E2), and P7 (unknown function), providing for virion architecture, and nonstructural proteins, mainly enzymes essential to the virion's life cycle, designated as NS2, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, NS5A, and NS5B. Proteases release structural and nonstructural proteins. Helicases unwind viral nucleic acid. Polymerases replicate RNA. Within this genome is located a hypervariable region implying an area of intensive genetic fluidity and mutational potential. HCV displays great genotypic flexibility which makes for sophisticated evasiveness to host defenses.
The nucleocapsid is surrounded by an envelope, a lipid bilayer associated with a union of carbohydrates and proteins, glycoproteins. Up to 60% of the lipid component of the envelope is phospholipid and the remainder is mostly cholesterol. It possesses projections called peplomers which facilitate attachment to host cells. One protein on peplomers of the HCV particle which is thought to be instrumental in the attachment process is designated CD-81.
The sequence of nucleotides within the HCV genome shows significant variations. Strains obtained from different parts of the world, for example, may differ substantially in their structural and nonstructural protein compositions. This has lead to a system of classification of the HCV family into 6 genotypes (1 to 6), and approximately 100 subtypes (designated a, b, c, ect.). Genotypes vary from each other by a factor of 30% over the entire genome. Subtypes vary by about 20%. Genotypes 1 to 3 have global distribution, while genotype 4 and 5 are found mainly in Africa, and 6 is distributed in Asia. Importantly, genotype and subtype differences have shown varying susceptibility to antiviral therapy.
Within any one afflicted individual, HCV particles do not show a homogeneous population. Instead, they function as a pool of genetically variant strains known as quasispecies. This is due to the high replication error inherent in the function of the polymerase enzymes. Herein lies one of the important armaments of HCV. Continuously generated genetic diversity gives it great advantage in negotiating and conquering immune defense and therapeutic strategies. Furthermore, the antigenic differences between genotypes may have implications regarding the proper evaluation and the therapeutic regimen of patients.
Viral life cycle A freely circulating virion enters a host cell by binding to a cell surface receptor. In the case of HCV the host cell is a hepatocyte. However, bone marrow, kidney cells, macrophages, lymphocytes, and granulocytes may also be trespassed.
Once cell entry is achieved, the virion sheds its envelope to commence its replication. It binds to cellular ribosomes and released viral polymerase begins the RNA replication cycle. Newly formed nucleocapsids continue their assembly with the acquisition of new envelopes by means of budding through membranes of the cell's endoplamic reticulum. Newly formed virions may number in the range of 10 billion daily. The average life span of virions is in the order of a few hours.
Virions are then released into the general blood and lymphatic circulation, ready to infect new cells, re-infect already diseased cells, or a new host, mainly through bodily fluid transmission pathways. HCV RNA, as measured by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) may show 10 million or more virions per ml. As little as 0.0001 ml of blood may be sufficient to impart infection. The evolution of hepatitis C is characterized by phases of accentuated viremia punctuated by periods of relative quiescence. The presence and timely detection of these viremic waves may offer novel therapeutic considerations.
Clinical and laboratory manifestations Hepatitis, from anyone of the several viruses capable of inducing liver inflammation, produce a spectrum of clinical and laboratory manifestations. Hepatitis C distinguishes itself by the low incidence of acute phases and by the high incidence of progression to chronicity. Acute hepatitis C progresses from exposure, to incubation, to pre-icteric, icteric, and convalescent phases. With an incubation period of about 6 weeks, the first and sometimes only symptoms include weakness, fatigue, indolence, headache, nausea, poor appetite, and vague abdominal pain. The pre-icteric period extends from the onset of symptoms to the appearance of jaundice, ranging usually from 2 to 12 days. The icteric phase corresponds to the declaration of jaundice and darkened urine. The convalescent phase is marked by the gradual disappearance of symptoms.
Chronic hepatitis C is characterized by the presence of HCV RNA and the elevation of liver enzymes for 6 months or longer. Patients may be asymptomatic, or at times suffer an acute exacerbation with a return of symptoms. Approximately 75% of acutely ill patients continue into a chronic phase evidenced by parameters of viral presence.
Hepatitis C can only be distinguished from other viral hepatic conditions by serological and virological determinations. Liver enzymes characteristically affected by HCV infection include serum alanine transfesferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma- glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP), and alkaline phosphatase; in addition, there may be abnormalities in bilirubin, serum albumin, prothrombin time, and platelet density.
Cirrhosis, a diffuse disruption of liver tissue architecture with regenerative nodules surrounded by fibrosis, is an important sequel to hepatitis C. Within 20 years post HCV infection 20 to 25% of patients will develop cirrhosis. Hepatic decompensation ensues with ascites as the salient marker.
Hepatocellular carcinoma, another notable outcome of HCV infection is present in approximately 5% of patients post infection. The presence of cirrhosis is central to its genesis. Although the mechanisms by which cirrhosis ushers carcinoma are unknown, it is likely that chronic inflammation and the sustained pressure of cellular regeneration play important roles.
Up to 10% of patients appear to have fully conquered the disease. HCV antibodies are undetectable, as is HCV RNA. Liver enzymes are fully normalized, but liver biopsy may show lingering areas of stagnant inflammation and spotty necrosis. It is thus possible for host immunocompetence to vanquish HCV infection and therapeutic strategies aim to assist the host immune system to achieve this goal.
Immunological response to the virus HCV particles are detected early in the infection, usually 1 to 2 weeks following exposure. Antibodies to HCV core, nonstructural, and envelope elements appear about 6 weeks after exposure. A broad range of cytokines are mobilized. Cellular immunity is activated with broad recruitment of neutrophils, natural killer (NK), macrophages, and CD4 and CD8 T helper cells.
Current and experimental treatment strategies As of this date the main treatment strategies for hepatitis C include interferon and ribavirin. Interferons are natural cellular products which activate macrophages, neutrophils and natural killer cells. There is controversy as to interferon's biological effects, be they mostly immunoregulatory or directly antiviral. Ribavirin is a guanosine analog that represses messenger RNA formation thus inhibiting the replication of many DNA and RNA viruses. It is, however, mutagenic to mammalian cells. Ribavirin and interferon have significant medical and psychiatric side effects.
Treatment response is defined as undetectable viral load 6 months following therapy. Contemporary detection methods of quantitative HCV RNA determinations are capable of detecting approximately 1000 viral copies per serum ml.
Resistance to antiviral therapies is a particularly vexing problem in anti HCV treatment. Novel and experimental antiviral compounds include inhibitors of protease, polymerase and helicase.
Vaccine development needs to take into account HCV's antigenic rainbow and its high mutability. High mutation rates in this condition implies a dauntingly diverse and variable array of viral antigenic components. It is estimated, for example, that HCV mutates significantly in its own host approximately a thousand times a year. This implies that within any one afflicted individual there exists an awesomely large array of viral quasispecies, which in turn creates commensurate difficulties in the creation of effective vaccines.
Ozone: Physical and physiological properties Ozone (O3) is a naturally occurring configuration of three oxygen atoms. With a molecular weight of 48, the ozone molecule contains a large excess of energy. It has a bond angle of 127° and resonates among several forms. At room temperature, ozone has a half life of about one hour, reverting to oxygen. A powerful oxidant, ozone has unique biological properties which are being investigated for applications in various medical fields. Basic research on ozone's biological dynamics have centered upon its effects on blood cellular elements (erythrocytes, leucocytes, and platelets), and to its serum components (proteins, lipoproteins, lipids, carbohydrates, electrolytes). Administrating increaing dosages of ozone to whole blood shows that beyond a certain threshold there is a rise in the rate of hemolysis. This threshold, depending upon various parameters, begins to be reached at 40 to 60 micrograms per milliliter, and becomes significant when higher levels are attained. Precise ozone dosing capacity is therefore essential in clinical practice and research.
Leucocytes show good resistance to ozone because they have enzymes which protect them from oxidative stress. These enzymes include superoxide dismutase, glutathione, and catalase. Research has shown that platelets also maintain their integrity after ozone administration. In ozone therapy, the doses applied to blood are gauged to avoid disruption of its cellular elements. Serum components remain viable during ozone therapy. Lipid and protein peroxides, produced in small amounts by ozonation, have demonstrable antiviral properties. Interestingly, ozone tends to stimulate leucocyte function and cytokine production. Ozone increases the oxygen saturation (p02) in erythrocytes and enhances their pliability so that capillary circulation is facilitated.
Ozone: Antiviral properties Recently, there has surged renewed interest in the potential of ozone for viral inactivation. It has long been established that ozone neutralizes bacteria, viruses, and fungi in aqueous media. This has prompted the creation of water purification processing plants in many major municipalities worldwide.
Ozone's antiviral properties may also be applied to the treatment of biological fluids, albeit in technologically and physiologically appropriate ways. Indeed, it is noted that ozone, administered in such dosages designed to respect the integrity of blood's cellular and constituent elements, is capable of inactivating a spectrum of viral families.
Some viruses are much more susceptible to ozone's action than others. It has been found that lipid-enveloped viruses are the most sensitive. This group includes, amongst others, HCV, Herpes 1 and 2, Cytomegalus, HIV1 and 2.
The envelopes of viruses provide for intricate cell attachment, penetration, and cell exit strategies. Peplomers, finely tuned to adjust to changing receptors on a variety of host cells, constantly elaborate new glycoproteins under the direction of E1 and E2 portions of the HCV genome. Envelopes are fragile. They can be disrupted by ozone and its by-products.
In HCV, viral load appears to be a major factor in the invasiveness and virulence of the disease process. Preliminary research has shown that reduction of viral load in Hepatitis C by means of ozone therapy can significantly normalize hepatic enzymes and improve measures of global patient health. Volunteers administered ozone therapy according to the method outlined below achieved a viral load reduction in the order of 5 log, or 99.9%, along with a normalization of liver enzyme levels.
Ozone: Clinical methodology Ozone may be utilized for the therapy of a spectrum of clinical conditions. Routes of administration are varied and include external and internal (blood interfacing) methods. In the technique of ozone major autohemotherapy for hepatitis C, an aliquot of blood is withdrawn from a virally-afflicted patient, anticoagulated, interfaced with an ozone/oxygen mixture, then re-infused. This process is repeated serially until viral load reduction is documented.
The aliquots of blood range from 50 ml. to 300 ml. Ozone dosages and treatment frequency vary according to treatment protocols. The reason aliquots of blood are treated and not, as one would propose, the entire blood volume, is that in the latter case the total ozone dosage administered would exceed toxic limits.
The average adult has 4 to 6 liters of blood, accounting for about 7% of body weight. How can the viral load reduction observed via ozone therapy be explained in the face of a technique that treats relatively small amount of blood, albeit serially?
Ozone: Possible mechanisms of anti-viral action
The viral culling effects of ozone in infected blood may recruit the following mechanisms:
Denaturation of virions through direct contact with ozone. Ozone, via this mechanism, disrupts viral envelope proteins, lipoproteins, lipids, and glycoproteins. The presence of numerous double bonds in these unsaturated molecules makes them vulnerable to the oxidizing effects of ozone which readily donates its oxygen atom and accepts electrons in these redox reactions. Double bonds are thus reconfigured, molecular architecture is disrupted and widespread breakage of the envelope ensues. Deprived of an envelope, virions cannot sustain nor replicate themselves.
Ozone proper, and the peroxide compounds it creates, may directly alter structures on the viral envelope which are necessary for attachment to host cells. Peplomers, the viral glycoproteins protuberances which connect to host cell receptors are likely sites of ozone action. Alteration in peplomer integrity impairs attachment to host cellular membranes foiling viral attachment and penetration.
Introduction of ozone into the serum portion of whole blood induces the formation of lipid and protein peroxides. While these peroxides are not toxic to the host in quantities produced by ozone therapy, they nevertheless possess oxidizing properties of their own which persist in the bloodstream for several hours. Peroxides created by ozone administration show long-term antiviral effects which serve to further reduce viral load. This factor may explain in part the reason for the fact that ozonated blood in the amount processed in usual treatment protocols is able to reduce viral load values in the total blood volume.
Immunological effects of ozone have been documented. Cytokines are proteins manufactured by several different types of cells which regulate the functions of other cells. Mostly released by leucocytes, they are important in mobilizing the immune response. It has been found that ozone induces the release of cytokines which in turn activate a spectrum of immune cells. This is likely to constitute a significant avenue for the reduction of circulating virions.
Ozone action on viral particles in infected blood yield several possible outcomes. One outcome is the modification of virions so that they remain structurally grossly intact yet sufficiently dysfunctional as to be nonpathogenic. This attenuation of viral particle functionality through slight modifications of the viral envelope, and possibly the viral genome itself, modifies pathogenicity and allows the host to increase the sophistication of its immune response. The creation of dysfunctional viruses by ozone offers unique therapeutic possibilities. In view of the fact that so many mutational variants exist in any one afflicted individual, the creation of an antigenic spectrum of crippled virions could provide for a unique host-specific stimulation of the immune system, thus designing what may be called a host-specific autovaccine.
Viruses are far from being static entities. As quintessential intracellular parasites they have developed, through millions of years of cohabitation with their hosts, astoundingly sophisticated structures, survival, and propagation mechanisms. They have adapted, modified their biological strategies, and evolved impressive genetic diversity and mutational capacity to cope with the changing ecology of planetary life.
HCV has an extremely high rate of mutation and within any one individual there may exist millions of antigenic quasispecies. The disease process is marked by periods of viral quiescence alternating with viremic waves whereby billions of virions are poured into the blood and lymphatic reservoirs. Their astounding numbers stress the immune system relentlessly and produce an inexorable compromise in all parameters of its functioning.
Viral load reduction by means of ozone blood treatment alleviates immune system fatigue. Ozone-mediated viral culling may be achieved by anyone of a number of possible mechanisms. Direct virion denaturation, peplomer alteration, lipid and protein peroxide formation, cytokine induction, host pan-humoral activation, and host-specific autovaccine creation are suggested mechanisms. Due to the excess energy contained within the ozone molecule, it is theoretically likely that ozone, unlike antiviral options available today, will show effectiveness across the entire genotype and subtype spectrum.
Ozone embodies unique physico-chemical and biological properties which suggest an important role in the therapy of hepatitis C, either as a monotherapy, or as an adjunct to standard treatment regimens.
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