Authors: V.Simonetti, A. Rutigliano, W. Liboni, P. Biancotti, K.Strumia, M. Simonetti
Corrispondence to Dr. Vincenzo Simonetti, Via Lamarmora 43, 10128-Torino, Italy, Email: v.simonetti@tiscali.it , Tel: 0115805696
Authors explain the rational that induced them to use ozone-therapy in multiple sclerosis. First clinical observations about 23 patients (n=23) treated with ozone, seem to encourage the application of ozonized autoemotransfusion with other patients.
After six years the authors verified that 13 patients afflicted with autoimmune pathologies (10 multiple sclerosis and 3 rheumatoid arthritis) continually treated with ozone, the lymphocytary subpopulation stabilized in limits of reference interval: level of T lymphocyte "helper/inducer" stabilized during these years and the level of T lymphocyte (CD3+, HLA-, DR+) didn't increase.
Ozone-therapy is used for many years with large successes, attained with orthopaedic [3, 4, 6, 10]nd vascular [1, 2,3, 5, 8, 11, 13] pathologies. For these pathologies, if treated, it was widely described the anti-inflammatory, antalgic, antibacterial and virustatic [3, 4, 6, 10, 13, 14] effect, perfusional improvement of microcirculatory system [1, 2, 3, 5,8, 11, 13] then the consequent disappearance of ischemic pain, the functional recovery of that muscul-articular cluster previously compromise and/or the recovery of diabetic ulcers: these effects significantly help to improve the quality of life of the patients, to return very effective many pharmacological or rehabilitation therapies, to shield some iatrogenic damages too.
The perfusional improvement of microcirculatory system allows a better use of oxygen and of glucoses, stimulates the metabolic activation and the elimination of catabolites, it's accumulation contributes to determine the inflammatory [3, 6, 8, 10]. In diabetic insulin-dependents patients, treated with GAET (great autoemotransfusion), we had often reduce the therapeutic dosages of insulin.
With subcutaneous or intramuscular injections of O2/O3, we observed the sudden disappearance of muscle-contraction headache, in tendonitis, in arthropaty, in trigeminal neuralgia; the significative reduction of lymphedema in rheumatoid arthritis, in erysipelas, in edemato-fibrosclerotic and post-traumatic panniculitis; while with therapeutic firmer cycles, we obtain great successes in treatment of backaches and repair of nervous peripheral lesions on trigeminus, on SPE, on ramus sensitive/motor consequent to operation of herniated disk, carpal tunnel syndrome, mixed tumor of parotid.
We and others ozone-therapists colleagues observed, after GAET great clinical improvements, such to reduce or to suspend cortisones and FANS in patients afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis; clinical healing for recurrent or several herpetic infections; a great improvement in asthmatic pathology, such to permit a reduction or a suspension of previous therapy used from many years. Many ozone-therapists could observe favourable effects both in cases of immunodepression and in cases of patients afflicted with autoimmune pathologies.
We published a work about immuno-modulator effect of ozone in lymphocyte subpopulation [13]. In 1998 we valued the changes on lymphocyte subpopulation with 38 patients afflicted with various pathologies.
Image 1
After six years we verified with 13 patients afflicted with autoimmune pathologies (10 multiple sclerosis, 3 rheumatoid arthritis) with their therapy, if a long-time treatment of ozone could determine some variations, in particular on HLA-DR+ moiety. Lymphocyte subpopulations in treated patients, resulted stable in limits of reference interval. Particular interesting resulted the informations about T lymphocyte "helper/inducer" (subpopulation CD4+) it level is a gauge of an adequate immunity competence and is a constant result; the T lymphocyte (subpopulation CD3+HLA-DR+) that didn't increase.
J. Socrates Bardi of "The Scripts Institute" recently demonstrated IgG have a bactericide action while they are releasing O3 by nature. [14]
The chief Bocci, Portolano, Sammartino and Luongo furnished documentary evidence for ozone, that with adequate dose, doesn't seem to unwanted effects, but it induces the activation of enzymes delegated to inactivation of free radicals (catalase, superoxide-dismutasis, glutathione…) [3,6] and of disulfide points that are forming during the growth and during the metabolism in aerobic conditions, with consequent curative proteic action.
The chief Riva Sanseverino [8] demonstrated the good effect of ozone therapy on macular circle in 1990. Dr. G. Amato showed that ozone has more hemorrhagic properties than pentoxifylline.
The researches done by chief Amato, Berté, Bocci, Iliakis, Lettieri, Luongo, Portolano, Raso, Riva Sanseverino, Rokitanski, Sammartino, Valdenassi… showed us that GAET has a immune modulate effect and it can induce the circulation reactivation: these studies were done to stimulate us to try oxygen ozone therapy also with neurodegenerative diseases, with autoimmune neurological pathologies and with cerebral vascular lesions, whether post trauma or post thrombotic ictus or due to haemorrhage [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
Why does ozone reduce muscular overtone? Does ozone act to neuronal level and/or with fibromyocell?
Doing great autoemotrasfusion, the positive effect just described are slower than doing local injections on tendon's insertion; but while local injection has just local effects, the effect of GAET are more general for the body, and the GAET gives a sensation of more well-being, more resistance to effort. For these reason we do the GAET with immune and vascular pathologies. These successful results of ozone therapy, obtained by or many colleagues and confirmed from us directly, moreover the verified absence of important side effect, often present with the various schemes of pharmacologic therapy, make us to try the ozone therapy with patients with MS: the autoimmune etiology, the spastic and painful semiotics, the often presence of asthenia and lymphedema, are for us a good purpose to apply ozone therapy.
Until now we had 23 patient with informed consent, giving like end point:
- Reduction of pain due to spasticity and/or postural alteration
- Improvement of watch-sleep rhythm
- Functional improvement of venous lymphatic microcirculation, compromised by alteration of neurovegetative and postural regulation
- Improvement of neurovegetative and sphincter function
- Watching the evolution and remission's time of symptoms due to seriousness of pathology of inflamed lesions of cerebral and medullar parenchyma
- Slowing down of pathology progression
- Improvement of kinaesthesia
The clinical observations of 23 patients, let us observe that the usual disability lists (FIM Ashwort…) don't contemplate enough steps to underline ozone therapy effect, that, anyway, improve so much life's quality of patients. Our clinic result are in line with starting task.
GAET 240ml of blood
with 55 µg of ozone for 20 times, twice a week and a periodical recall every
2-3 month, it depends of seriousness of pathology
CLINIC CASEPatient 30 y.o. with MS since 1996 with paresthesia of superior and lower extremity, with dysesthesia of dexter emisome. The protocol of GAET was practised (240 of blood with 55 µg of ozone for 2 months). In these 6 years the patient recovered the symtomatology and he is clinically stable with a regular social working life: the paraesthesia of superior and lower left extremity disappeared, the facial left deficit and the dysesthesia of dexter emisome too. It persist a disappeared paraesthesia on left knee. We observed radiogically a sharp decrease of focus active previously.
Image 2
Image 3
The ozone therapy doesn't resolves basis pathology, but also it is a valid therapy in multiple sclerosis, where it can improve the quality of life, without serious collateral effects, especially in patients that can't submit themselves to pharmacological treatment. This improvement reveal itself clinically with a recovery more or less evidently in ratio of seriousness and chronicity of the pathological reached state
[1] G. Amato: Impiego Ospedaliero-sezione scientifica 1992 "Valutazione dellefficacia dell'ozonoterapia nel trattamento delle flebopatie degli arti inferiori".
[2] G. Amato: Acta Toxic. Ther., vol XVII,n°2-3,1996,"Valutazione dell'efficacia dell'ozonoterapia nelle arteriopatie croniche ostruttive degli arti inferiori: Confronto con la terapia con Pentossifillina".
[3] Bocci: Acta Toxic.Ther., vol XVII, n°2-3,1996 "Verso una razionalizzazione dell'ozonoterapia".
[4] E. Iliakis: "Acta Toxic.,Ther.,vol XVII,n° 2-3, 1996 "Utilizzo dell'ossigeno-ozonoterapia nella pratica ortopedica".
[5] Lettieri: Acta Toxic.,Ther., vol XVII,n° 2-3,1996 "Efficacia dell'ozonoterapia nella prevenzione della recidiva dell'infarto miocardico".
[6] Portolano-Sammartino: Acta Toxic.,Ther., vol XVII, n°2-3, 1996,"Biochimica e fisiologia dell'ozono".
[7] A. Raso Ed. Minerva Medica 1990: "Manuale di medicina e chirurgia vascolare".
[8] Riva Sanseverino: Panminerva Medica, vol.32,n°2,1990, "Effects of oxygen-ozontherapy on agerelated degenerative retinal maculopaty".
[9] Rokitansky : Atti II congresso nazionale di ossigeno-ozonoterapia - Bergamo 19/10/85, "Ossigeno-ozonoterapia nelle arteriopatie".
[10] Sammartino-Luongo : Acta Toxic.,Ther., vol XVII., n° 2-3,1996, "Monitoraggio dei parametri bioumorali negli epatopatici cronici trattati con ozonoterapia".
[11] Valdenassi, Richelmi, Franzini: Flebologia, anno 1995, n° 2,"L'ossigeno-ozonoterapia nell'insufficienza venosa cronica: studio clinico di efficacia e tollerabilità".
[12] Jurg Kesserling: "Multiple Sclerosis", Cambridge University Press 1997
[13] Simonetti V, Liboni W, Biancotti P, Grillo A: "La malattia ischemici periferica", Manusia F, Tip Aurelia, Novembre 2001
[14] Jason Socrates Bardi: News and Views; The Scripps Research Institute, "More Chemical Evidence for an Antibody Killing Mechanism"
Image 1: The test evidences the increase of ratio CD4+/CD8+ and the stability of the lymphocitary subpopulation CD3+ HLA DR+
Image 2

Image 3: After 6 years, the patient is clinically stable, without changes of hyperintense signal in C5 with slight atrophic parenchymal image. For sensitive disorder persists a feeble formication, a disappeared paraesthesia on lateral side of left knee.
Mevcut yazılı metin bilgilendirme amaçlıdır. Bilimsel verilerden elde edilmiş bilgilerdir. Konu hakkında uzman kişiler tarafından yönlendirilmeniz ve tedaviye yönelik işlemleri bir hekim kontrolünde uygulamanız veya uygulatmanız önerilir. Ankara ozon , ozon ankara , alternatif kanser tedavisi , dmso , integratif tıp , akupunktur , ozonize prp , ozon prp , , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara ,, ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara , , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara , , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara , , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara , , ankara ozon , ozon ankara , ankara ozon tedavisi , ozon tedavisi , ozon terapisi , ozon tedavisi ankara ,
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